Ésta es una lista completa de las reglas gramaticales del idioma Japonés necesarias para estudiar y aprobar el Examen de Conocimientos del Idioma Japonés (JLPT).
Aunque no hay una lista de gramática oficial del JLPT N1, la mayoría de los puntos gramaticales que se han presentado en exámenes previos están incluidos en esta lista.
Cada lección está estructurada en orden alfabético en romaji.
Da clic en el vínculo de la lección para ver notas detalladas acerca de la estructura gramatical, cómo se usa, conjugaciones, oraciones de ejemplo, ayudas interactivas, y más.

# | Lección gramatical | 文法レッスン | Significado gramatical |
41 | no yara; mono yara; koto yara | のやら・ものやら・ことやら | I wonder..; unsure |
42 | no yara~no yara | のやら~のやら | contemplating two opposing choices |
43 | o kawakiri ni | を皮切りに(をかわきりに) | starting with |
44 | soba kara | そばから | as soon as |
45 | sura / de sura | すら / ですら | even (with emphasis) |
46 | ta koto ni shite | たことにして | expresses a decision or news that does not reflect the truth |
47 | ta tokoro de | たところで | even if~ |
48 | taga saigo | たが最後(たがさいご) | once [A] occurs, [B] happens |
49 | tara~tade | たら~たで | whether or not |
50 | tari tomo | たりとも | (not) even; (not) any |
51 | taru | たる | (those) who are; (that) which is; |
52 | temae | 手前(てまえ) | considering; before; in front of; one’s standpoint |
53 | to areba | とあれば | if; if it is the case that |
54 | to atte | とあって | because of; due to the fact |
55 | to bakari ni | とばかりに | as if to say; as though~ |
56 | to ie domo | といえども | even; even if |
57 | to ii~to ii | といい~といい | and; or; both; regarding |
58 | to iu ka | というか | or more precisely; or rather |
59 | to iu ka~to iu ka | というか~というか | not sure whether [A] or [B] |
60 | to iu mono | というもの | during/over a period of time; since; after~ |
61 | to iu tokoro da | というところだ | about; approximately |
62 | to iu wake da | というわけだ | this means; this is why; it is the case that |
63 | to iu wake dewa nai | というわけではない | it’s not that; it doesn’t mean that |
64 | to iwazu | といわず | not only; both (without distinction) |
65 | to mirareru | とみられる | regarded as; appears/expected to.. |
66 | to miru to | とみると | upon realizing |
67 | to naru to / to nareba | となると / となれば | once/when something happens |
68 | to omoikiya | と思いきや | To think [A], but [B] |
69 | to sareru | とされる | is considered to; it is said that~ |
70 | to shitatte | としたって | even if.. |
71 | tokoro wo | ところを | although/despite a certain time/situation |
72 | tomo arou | ともあろう | of all people (expression showing surprise at a high standing person's misbehavior) |
73 | tomo~tomo | とも~とも | unable to draw a conclusion; unable to judge |
74 | tomonaku | ともなく | uncertainty; lack of intent |
75 | towa | とは | indicates word or phrase being defined with emphasis/surprise |
76 | towaie | とはいえ | although; nonetheless; be that as it may |
77 | tsu~tsu | つ~つ | two contrasting actions |
78 | uto~uto/uga~uga | うと~うと/うが~うが | whether/even if [A] or [B]. |
79 | wo kagiri ni | を限りに(をかぎりに) | starting from..; to the full extent of |
80 | wo motte | をもって | 1) by means of; with. 2) at the time |
Lista gramatical total del JLPT N1: (83)
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