Lista de Gramática JLPT Completa

Base de Datos de Gramática Japonesa para aprobar el JLPT

Esta es nuestra lista de gramática JLPT completa para todas nuestras lecciones de gramática Japonesa desde el N5 hasta N1.

Cada lección está clasificada de acuerdo con el nivel de gramática JLPT apropiado e incluye el significado, notas de traducción, estructura gramatical, conjugaciones, oraciones de ejemplo, ayudas interactivas y más.

También puedes dar clic en el nivel para ver una lista de lecciones gramaticales para ese nivel solamente.

Lista de Gramática JLPT Completa

Lista de gramática Japonesa para todos los niveles JLPT

# Lección gramatical 文法レッスン Significado gramatical Nivel
1 [x] ga [x] nara, [y] mo [y] da like [father] like [son] (negative meaning) N1
2 adjetivos-i adjetivos-i N5
3 adjetivos-na adjetivos-na N5
4 ageku to end up; in the end; finally; after all~ N2
5 ageru terminar de hacer~ N3
6 aida while; during; between N4
7 aida ni while/during~ something happened N4
8 amari tan… que N3
9 amari ni mo demasiado; tan… que; excesivamente~ N3
10 amari~nai not very, not much~ N4
11 aruiwa or; either; maybe; perhaps; possibly~ N2
12 ato de after~; later N4
13 atte no which owes everything to N1
14 au hacer algo juntos N3
15 ba conditional form; If [A] then [B] N4
16 ba ii deber, poder, sería bueno si~ N3
17 ba yokatta debería haber; habría sido mejor si~ N3
18 ba~hodo entre más… más N3
19 ba~noni habría; debería; si tan sólo~ N3
20 baai wa in the event of; in the case that N4
21 bakari about, approximately~ N2
22 bakari only; nothing but~ N4
23 bakari da continue to (go in negative direction) N2
24 bakari de solamente; únicamente (descripción negativa) N3
25 bakari denaku no solamente... sino también; al igual ques~ N3
26 bakari ka not only.. but also; as well as~ N2
27 bakari ni simply because; on account of~ (negative result) N2
28 beki da should do; must do~ N3
29 beki dewa nai no debería hacer~; no deber hacer~ N3
30 betsu ni~nai no realmente, no particularmente N3
31 buri ni por primera vez en (periodo de tiempo) N3
32 cha ikenai / ja ikenai must not do (spoken Japanese) N5
33 chinamini by the way; in this connection; incidentally; (conjunction) N2
34 chitto mo~nai (not) at all; (not) in the least~ N2
35 chuu / juu actualmente; durante; en cierto punto; a lo largo de; antes del fin de~ N3
36 da / desu to be (am, is, are, were, used to) N5
37 dake only; just; as much as~ N5
38 dake tanto como~ N3
39 dake atte being the case; precisely because; as expected from~ N2
40 dake de just by; just by doing N4
41 dake de naku no sólo… sino también... N3
42 dake mashi da it’s better than; one should feel grateful for~ N2
43 dake ni being the case; precisely because; as one would expect N2
44 dake no koto wa aru no wonder; as expected of; not ... for nothing; not ... with nothing to show for it N2
45 dake wa to do all that one can N2
46 dakedo sin embargo; pero N3
47 dano~dano and; and the like; and so forth N1
48 darake lleno de; cubierto de; demasiado (algo indeseable) N3
49 darou I think; it seems; probably; right? N5
50 dasu comenzar a; empezar a; lanzarse a; (e.g. saltar, llevar a cabo)​ N4
51 datte because; but; after all; even; too N2
52 de in; at; on; by; with; via N5
53 de are/de arou to whoever / whatever / however N1
54 de are~de are whether [A] or [B] N1
55 de gozaimasu to be (honorific) N4
56 de shika nai merely; nothing but; no more than; there is only~ N2
57 demo ... or something; how about~ N4
58 demo but; however; though~ N5
59 deshou I think; it seems; probably; right? N5
60 dewa nai ka right?; isn't it? N4
61 dokoro dewa nai not the time for; not the place for; far from; anything but~ N2
62 dokoro ka far from; anything but; let alone; not to mention; much less~ N2
63 donna qué tipo de; qué clase de N5
64 donna ni~temo no importa qué tanto N3
65 donna ni~uga/uto(mo) Now matter how/what; even if N1
66 dou yara possibly; apparently; seems like; somehow; barely~ N2
67 douse anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; no matter what N2
68 doushite por qué; por qué motivo; cómo N5
69 doushitemo sin importar nada; a cualquier costo; después de todo~ N3
70 douyatte cómo; en qué forma; de qué manera N5
71 enai unable to; cannot; it is not possible to~ N2
72 eru / uru can; to be able to; is possible to~ N2
73 furi o suru to pretend; to act as if~ N3
74 futatabi again; once more N2
75 futo de repente; accidentalmente; inesperadamente; involuntariamente~ N3
76 fuu ni this way; that way; in such a way; how N2
77 ga indicador de sujeto; sin embargo; pero~ N5
78 ga arimasu there is; is (non-living things) N5
79 ga hayai ka as soon as~ N1
80 ga hitsuyou necesidad; necesario N4
81 ga hoshii to want something N5
82 ga imasu there is; to be; is (living things) N5
83 ga kikkake de/ o kikkake ni with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of~ N2
84 ga suru oler; oír; saber (sabor) N4
85 gachi ender a; tendencia a; frecuentemente; seguido; hacer algo fácilmente N3
86 gari someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to~ N4
87 garu; gatteiru to show signs of; to appear; to feel, to think N4
88 gatai muy difícil de; complicado de~ N3
89 gatera while; on the same occasion; at the same time; coincidentally~ N1
90 ge looks like; seems like; appears to~ N2
91 gimi -como; -verse; -parecerse; tender a~ N3
92 goto ni cada; todos los; en intérvalos de~. N3
93 gozaimasu to be, to exist (the polite form of いる/ある) N4
94 gurumi together (with); -wide N1
95 gyaku ni conversely; on the contrary~ N2
96 hajimeru to start; to begin to~ N4
97 hanmen while, although; on the other hand~ N2
98 hatashite as was expected; sure enough; really; actually~ N2
99 hazu da it must be; it should be (expectation) N4
100 hazu ga nai cannot be (impossible) N4

Lista gramatical total del JLPT (676)

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