Gramática del JLPT N4 (gari)


someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to~

Cómo se usa

い-adjective がり
gari がり がり jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Aprende gramática del idioma Japonés: (gari). Significado: someone tends to; has a tendency to; has a sensitivity to~.

Based from がる

Before starting this lesson, you may want to read the lesson for first.

がる (garu) is used to say that someone is appearing to be a certain way. がり (gari) changes the meaning to describe a personality, tendency, or sensitivity towards something.

Therefore, while the sound is similar, both grammar points are saying quite different things.

What is different?

While がる (garu) is usually used when talking about others, がり (gari) can be used to talk about both others and oneself.

Meaning 1) Describe Personality


scaredy cat; someone who is easily scared; tends to scare easily


shy person; someone who tends to be shy


lonely person; person who feels lonely easily


to bluff; someone who tends to look tough


Someone who tends to want to stand out

Note that this form is changed from , which means to want to do~ when talking of others

Meaning 2) Sensitivity Towards Something


Someone who is sensitive to the cold.


Someone who is sensitive to heat.

Extra Study Notes

When talking about someone’s personality, Japanese people will usually add 屋 (ya) at the end.

Another option, which is more friendly, is to add 屋さん (yasan) at the end instead.


shy person (friendly way of saying)

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- Oraciones de ejemplos

Cada oración de ejemplo incluye ayudas como la lectura (hiragana) en Japónes, la lectura en romaji, y la traducción en Español.

Da clic en el siguiente botón rojo para alternar todas las ayudas, o puedes dar clic en los botones individuales para mostrar únicamente las que desees ver.

Ejemplo #1

kanojo wa kowa gari dakara horaa eiga wa dame da
My girlfriend gets scared easily so horror movies are out of the question.
Ejemplo #2

watashi wa samu gari nanode, fuyu wa amari suki janai.
I'm sensitive to the cold, so I don't really like winter.
Ejemplo #3

kono bando ga kaisan shitara fan ga kanashi gari darou.
If this band breaks up, their fans will be very sad.
Ejemplo #4

kakkoii kare o getto shitara minna urayamashi gari darou na.
I bet everybody will envy me if I get a cute boyfriend.
Ejemplo #5

hitobito ga fuan gari node seifu wa sono jijitsu o kakushite ita.
Because people tend to get nervous easily, the government hid the truth.
Ejemplo #6

anna tokoro ni chuusha shitara kinjo no hito ni meiwaku gari yo.
The neighbors will get annoyed if you park in such a place!
Ejemplo #7

kare wa kanojo ga hoshi gari baggu o katte ageta.
He bought her the bag she wanted.


Kanji Kana English
怖い こわい scary
恥ずかしい はずかしい embarrassing
寂しい さびしい lonely
強い つよい strong
目立ちたい めだちたい to want to stand out
寒い さむい cold (weather)
暑い あつい hot (weather)
彼女 かのじょ she; girlfriend
映画 えいが movie
ふゆ winter

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