Ésta es una lista completa de las reglas gramaticales del idioma Japonés necesarias para estudiar y aprobar el Examen de Conocimientos del Idioma Japonés (JLPT).
Aunque no hay una lista de gramática oficial del JLPT N2, la mayoría de los puntos gramaticales que se han presentado en exámenes previos están incluidos en esta lista.
Cada lección está estructurada en orden alfabético en romaji. En total, hay más de 195 lecciones gramaticales que necesitas saber para poder aprobar el N2.
Da clic en el vínculo de la lección para ver notas detalladas acerca de la estructura gramatical, cómo se usa, conjugaciones, oraciones de ejemplo, ayudas interactivas, y más.
Descargas adicionales para los seguidores en Patreon:
- PDF imprimible N2 grammar list
- Ebook – N2 Grammar Master Guía Completa de Estudio.
- Descarga de flashcard (tarjetas didácticas) de gramática N2, y más!
# | Lección gramatical | 文法レッスン | Significado gramatical |
1 | ageku | あげく | to end up; in the end; finally; after all~ |
2 | aruiwa | あるいは | or; either; maybe; perhaps; possibly~ |
3 | bakari | ばかり | about, approximately~ |
4 | bakari da | ばかりだ | continue to (go in negative direction) |
5 | bakari ka | ばかりか | not only.. but also; as well as~ |
6 | bakari ni | ばかりに | simply because; on account of~ (negative result) |
7 | chinamini | ちなみに | by the way; in this connection; incidentally; (conjunction) |
8 | chitto mo~nai | ちっとも~ない | (not) at all; (not) in the least~ |
9 | dake atte | だけあって | being the case; precisely because; as expected from~ |
10 | dake mashi da | だけましだ | it’s better than; one should feel grateful for~ |
11 | dake ni | だけに | being the case; precisely because; as one would expect |
12 | dake no koto wa aru | だけのことはある | no wonder; as expected of; not ... for nothing; not ... with nothing to show for it |
13 | dake wa | だけは | to do all that one can |
14 | datte | だって | because; but; after all; even; too |
15 | de shika nai | でしかない | merely; nothing but; no more than; there is only~ |
16 | dokoro dewa nai | どころではない | not the time for; not the place for; far from; anything but~ |
17 | dokoro ka | どころか | far from; anything but; let alone; not to mention; much less~ |
18 | dou yara | どうやら | possibly; apparently; seems like; somehow; barely~ |
19 | douse | どうせ | anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; no matter what |
20 | enai | 得ない(えない) | unable to; cannot; it is not possible to~ |
21 | eru / uru | 得る(える / うる) | can; to be able to; is possible to~ |
22 | futatabi | 再び(ふたたび) | again; once more |
23 | fuu ni | ふうに | this way; that way; in such a way; how |
24 | ga kikkake de/ o kikkake ni | がきっかけで /をきっかけに | with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of~ |
25 | ge | げ | looks like; seems like; appears to~ |
26 | gyaku ni | 逆に(ぎゃくに) | conversely; on the contrary~ |
27 | hanmen | 反面(はんめん) | while, although; on the other hand~ |
28 | hatashite | 果たして(はたして) | as was expected; sure enough; really; actually~ |
29 | ichiou | 一応(いちおう) | more or less; pretty much; roughly; tentatively~ |
30 | igai | 以外(いがい) | with the exception of; excepting~ |
31 | ijou ni | 以上に(いじょうに) | more than; not less than; beyond~ |
32 | ijou wa | 以上は(いじょうは) | because; since; seeing that~ |
33 | ikinari | いきなり | abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning |
34 | ikki ni | 一気に(いっきに) | in one go; without stopping; all at once; immediately; instantly; right away~ |
35 | ippou de | 一方で(いっぽうで) | on one hand, on the other hand; although~ |
36 | iwayuru | いわゆる | what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak |
37 | iyoiyo | いよいよ | at last; finally; beyond doubt |
38 | jou | 上(じょう) | for the sake of; from the standpoint of; as a matter of; in terms of~ |
39 | ka no you ni | かのように | as if; just like~ |
40 | ka to omottara | かと思ったら(かとおもったら) | just when; no sooner than~ |
Lista gramatical total del JLPT N2: (195)
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