This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N2. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 6,000 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N2.
- See all JLPT N2 nouns
- Sell all JLPT N2 verbs
- Sell all JLPT N2 adverbs
- See all JLPT N2 adjectives
- See all JLPT N2 particles

# | 語彙 | Vocabulario | Type | Significado |
1 | 明け方 |
akegata あけがた |
Noun, Adverbial Noun | dawn |
2 | 青白い |
aojiroi あおじろい |
Adjective, い-adjective | pale; bluish-white |
3 | 足跡 |
ashiato あしあと |
Noun | footprints |
4 | 売買 |
baibai ばいばい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | trade; buying and selling |
5 | 売店 |
baiten ばいてん |
Noun | stand; stall; booth; kiosk; store |
6 | 募集 |
boshuu ぼしゅう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | recruitment; invitation; taking applications; solicitation |
7 | 長男 |
chounan ちょうなん |
Noun | eldest son; first-born son |
8 | 楕円 |
daen だえん |
Noun | ellipse |
9 | 大学院 |
daigakuin だいがくいん |
Noun | graduate school |
10 | 出入口 |
deiriguchi でいりぐち |
Noun | exit and entrance |
11 | 宴会 |
enkai えんかい |
Noun | party; banquet; reception; feast; dinner |
12 | 円周 |
enshuu えんしゅう |
Noun | circumference |
13 | 遠足 |
ensoku えんそく |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | excursion; outing; trip |
14 | 学科 |
gakka がっか |
Noun | study subject; course of study; department |
15 | 学会 |
gakkai がっかい |
Noun | scientific society; academic meeting; academic conference |
16 | 学力 |
gakuryoku がくりょく |
Noun | scholarly ability; scholarship; knowledge; literary ability |
17 | 外科 |
geka げか |
Noun | surgery; department of surgery |
18 | 花火 |
hanabi はなび |
Noun | fireworks |
19 | 半径 |
hankei はんけい |
Noun | radius |
20 | 半島 |
hantou はんとう |
Noun | peninsula |
21 | 発売 |
hatsubai はつばい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | sale; release (for sale); launch (product) |
22 | 早口 |
hayaguchi はやぐち |
Noun | fast-talking; rapid talking |
23 | 外れる |
hazureru はずれる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be disconnected; to be off; to miss the mark |
24 | 閉会 |
heikai へいかい |
Verb, Suru verb | closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.) |
25 | 昼寝 |
hirune ひるね |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | nap, siesta |
26 | 意地悪 |
ijiwaru いじわる |
Noun, Verb, Adjective, な-adjective, Suru verb | malicious; ill-tempered; unkind |
27 | 移転 |
iten いてん |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | moving; relocation; change of address |
28 | 一旦 |
ittan いったん |
Adverb | once; for a short time; briefly; temporarily |
29 | 寺院 |
ji'in じいん |
Noun | Buddhist temple; religious building |
30 | 人文科学 |
jinbunkagaku じんぶんかがく |
Noun | humanities; social sciences; liberal arts |
31 | 自習 |
jishuu じしゅう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | self-study; teaching oneself |
32 | 時速 |
jisoku じそく |
Noun | speed (per hour) |
33 | 実習 |
jisshuu じっしゅう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | practice; training; practical exercise; drill |
34 | 過半数 |
kahansuu かはんすう |
Noun | majority |
35 | 開会 |
kaikai かいかい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | opening of a meeting; starting (an event, etc) |
36 | 会館 |
kaikan かいかん |
Noun | meeting hall; assembly hall |
37 | 回転 |
kaiten かいてん |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | rotation; revolution; turning |
38 | 加速 |
kasoku かぞく |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | acceleration; speeding up |
39 | 加速度 |
kasokudo かそくど |
Noun | acceleration |
40 | 見学 |
kengaku けんがく |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | study by observation; field trip; tour; review; inspection |
41 | 国王 |
kokuou こくおう |
Noun | king; queen; monarch; sovereign |
42 | 国立 |
kokuritsu こくりつ |
Noun | national |
43 | 国籍 |
kokuseki こくせき |
Noun | nationality; citizenship |
44 | 転がる |
korogaru ころがる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to roll; to fall over; to lie down |
45 | 転がす |
korogasu ころがす |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to roll; to turn over |
46 | 校舎 |
kousha こうしゃ |
Noun | school building; schoolhouse |
47 | 校庭 |
koutei こうてい |
Noun | schoolyard; playground; school grounds; campus |
48 | 待合室 |
machiaishitsu まちあいしつ |
Noun | waiting room |
49 | 待ち合わせる |
machiawaseru まちあわせる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to rendezvous; to meet at a prearranged place and time; to arrange to meet |
50 | 窓口 |
madoguchi まどぐち |
Noun | ticket window; teller window; counter |
51 | 毎度 |
maido まいど |
Noun, Adverbial Noun | each time; always; often; thank you for your continued patronage |
52 | 真っ青 |
massao まっさお |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | deep blue; bright blue; ghastly pale; white as a sheet |
53 | 真っ白 |
masshiro まっしろ |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | pure white; blank |
54 | 名刺 |
meishi めいし |
Noun | business card |
55 | 店屋 |
miseya みせや |
Noun | store; shop |
56 | 木材 |
mokuzai もくざい |
Noun | lumber; timber; wood |
57 | 元々 |
motomoto もともと |
Adverb | originally, by nature, from the start |
58 | 内科 |
naika ないか |
Noun | internal medicine |
59 | 並木 |
namiki なみき |
Noun | roadside tree; row of trees |
60 | 入社 |
nyuusha にゅうしゃ |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | joining a company |
61 | 押さえる |
osaeru おさえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to pin down; to hold down; to press down |
62 | 理科 |
rika りか |
Noun | science (department; course) |
63 | 領収 |
ryoushuu りょうしゅう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | receipt (of money); receiving |
64 | 再三 |
saisan さいさん |
Adverb | again and again; repeatedly |
65 | 刺さる |
sasaru ささる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to stick into (with a sharp point); to prick; to get stuck (in); |
66 | 刺身 |
sashimi さしみ |
Noun | sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans) |
67 | 早速 |
sassoku さっそく |
Adverb | at once; immediately; without delay; promptly |
68 | 刺す |
sasu さす |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to pierce; to stab; to prick; to stick; to thrust; to sting |
69 | 青少年 |
seishounen せいしょうねん |
Noun | youth; young person |
70 | 赤道 |
sekidou せきどう |
Noun | equator |
71 | 社会科学 |
shakaikagaku しゃかいかがく |
Noun | social science |
72 | 社説 |
shasetsu しゃせつ |
Noun | editorial; leading article; leader |
73 | 司会 |
shikai しかい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | master of ceremonies; leading a meeting; presenter; host |
74 | 新幹線 |
shinkansen しんかんせん |
Noun | Japanese bullet train |
75 | 白髪 |
shiraga しらが |
Noun | white hair; grey hair |
76 | 自然科学 |
shizenkagaku しぜんかがく |
Noun | natural science |
77 | 書店 |
shoten しょてん |
Noun | bookshop; bookstore |
78 | 商社 |
shousha しょうしゃ |
Noun | trading company; firm |
79 | 商店 |
shouten しょうてん |
Noun | shop; small store; business; firm |
80 | 集合 |
shuugou しゅうごう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | gathering; assembly; meeting |
81 | 習字 |
shuuji しゅうじ |
Noun | calligraphy; penmanship |
82 | 集会 |
shuukai しゅうかい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | meeting; assembly; gathering; convention; rally |
83 | 父母 |
sobo そぼ |
Noun | father and mother; parents |
84 | 速力 |
sokuryoku そくりょく |
Noun | speed |
85 | 速達 |
sokutatsu そくたつ |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | express; special delivery |
86 | 足袋 |
tabi たび |
Noun | Japanese socks (with split toe) |
87 | 足る |
taru たる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be sufficient; to be enough; to be worth doing; to be worthy of; to deserve |
88 | 特売 |
tokubai とくばい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | special sale |
89 | 透明 |
toumei とうめい |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | transparent; clear |
90 | 東洋 |
touyou とうよう |
Noun | Orient |
91 | 売れ行き |
ureyuki うれゆき |
Noun | sales; demand |
92 | 売上 |
uriage うりあげ |
Noun | amount sold; sales; proceeds; turnover |
93 | 売り切れ |
urikire うりきれ |
Noun | sold out |
94 | 売り切れる |
urikireru うりきれる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be sold out |
95 | 我が |
waga わが |
Pre-noun adjectival | my; our; one's own |
96 | 洋品店 |
youhinten ようひんてん |
Noun | shop that handles Western-style apparel and accessories |
97 | 輸血 |
yuketsu ゆけつ |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | blood transfusion |
98 | 輸送 |
yusou ゆそう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | transport; transportation |
99 | 材木 |
zaimoku ざいもく |
Noun | lumber; timber |
Lista de vocabulario total del JLPT N2: (99)
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*NOTE* This is not a complete list of every JLPT vocab yet.
I am working hard to add new lessons every day. If you have any requests, use the contact page to let me know.