Ésta es una lista completa de las reglas gramaticales del idioma Japonés necesarias para estudiar y aprobar el Examen de Conocimientos del Idioma Japonés (JLPT).
Aunque no hay una lista de gramática oficial del JLPT N2, la mayoría de los puntos gramaticales que se han presentado en exámenes previos están incluidos en esta lista.
Cada lección está estructurada en orden alfabético en romaji. En total, hay más de 195 lecciones gramaticales que necesitas saber para poder aprobar el N2.
Da clic en el vínculo de la lección para ver notas detalladas acerca de la estructura gramatical, cómo se usa, conjugaciones, oraciones de ejemplo, ayudas interactivas, y más.
Descargas adicionales para los seguidores en Patreon:
- PDF imprimible N2 grammar list
- Ebook – N2 Grammar Master Guía Completa de Estudio.
- Descarga de flashcard (tarjetas didácticas) de gramática N2, y más!
# | Lección gramatical | 文法レッスン | Significado gramatical |
121 | nuku | 抜く(ぬく) | to do something from beginning to end; completely, extremely~ |
122 | o keiki ni | を契機に(をけいきに) | as a good opportunity/chance to; as a result of; make the best of~ |
123 | o megutte | をめぐって | concerning; in regard to~ |
124 | o moto ni | をもとに | based on; derived from; building on; beginning with~ |
125 | o nozoite | を除いて(をのぞいて) | except; with the exception of; excluding~ |
126 | o towazu | を問わず(をとわず) | regardless of; irrespective of; no matter |
127 | o~negau | お~願う(お~ねがう) | please do; could you please…; I ask of you to~ |
128 | omake ni | おまけに | to make matters worse; besides; what's more; in addition; on top of that |
129 | osoraku | 恐らく(おそらく) | perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say~ |
130 | osore ga aru | 恐れがある(おそれがある) | it is feared that; to be in danger of; to be liable to~ |
131 | oyobi | 及び(および) | and; as well as~ |
132 | roku ni~nai | ろくに~ない | not well; not enough; improperly; insufficiently; unsatisfactorily~ |
133 | saiwai na koto ni | 幸いなことに(さいわいなことに) | fortunately; luckily; thankfully~ |
134 | sei ka | せいか | perhaps because~ |
135 | sekkaku | せっかく | especially; (thank you for) troubling to, going to great pains for~ |
136 | semete | せめて | at least; at most~ |
137 | shidai | 次第(しだい) | as soon as, dependent upon |
138 | shidai de | 次第で(しだいで) | depending on; so~ |
139 | shidai ni | 次第に(しだいに) | gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order |
140 | shikamo | しかも | moreover; furthermore; and yet; what’s more~ |
141 | sono ue | その上(そのうえ) | besides; in addition; furthermore~ |
142 | sore na noni | それなのに | and yet; despite this; but even so~ |
143 | sore nara | それなら | if that’s the case; if so~ |
144 | sore ni shitemo | それにしても | nevertheless; at any rate; even so; be that as it may~ |
145 | sou ieba | そう言えば(そういえば) | come to think of it…; now that you mention it… |
146 | sou suru to | そうすると | having done that; if that is done; if it is done in that way |
147 | sue ni | 末に(すえに) | finally; after; following; at the end/ conclusion of~ |
148 | sukoshi mo~nai | 少しも~ない(すこしも~ない) | not one bit; not even a little~ |
149 | sukunaku tomo | 少なくとも(すくなくとも) | at least~ |
150 | tadachi ni | 直ちに(ただちに) | at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically~ |
151 | tamae | たまえ | do~; order somebody to do something |
152 | te bakari wa irarenai | てばかりはいられない | can’t keep doing~ |
153 | te demo | てでも | even if I have to; by all means~ |
154 | te irai | て以来(ていらい) | since; henceforth~ |
155 | te ite wa | ていては | if one keeps doing~ |
156 | te koso | てこそ | now that; since (something happened) |
157 | te made | てまで | even; will go far so as to~ |
158 | te naranai | てならない | can't help but; dying to; extremely~ |
159 | te tamaranai | てたまらない | can't help but; dying to; extremely~ |
160 | te touzen da | て当然だ(てとうぜんだ) | natural; as a matter of course |
Lista gramatical total del JLPT N2: (195)
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