This is a Japanese vocabulary list of Verb(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N2.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.

# | 動詞 | Verb | Meaning |
1 | 売買 |
baibai ばいばい |
trade; buying and selling |
2 | 募集 |
boshuu ぼしゅう |
recruitment; invitation; taking applications; solicitation |
3 | 遠足 |
ensoku えんそく |
excursion; outing; trip |
4 | 発売 |
hatsubai はつばい |
sale; release (for sale); launch (product) |
5 | 外れる |
hazureru はずれる |
to be disconnected; to be off; to miss the mark |
6 | 閉会 |
heikai へいかい |
closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.) |
7 | 昼寝 |
hirune ひるね |
nap, siesta |
8 | 意地悪 |
ijiwaru いじわる |
malicious; ill-tempered; unkind |
9 | 移転 |
iten いてん |
moving; relocation; change of address |
10 | 自習 |
jishuu じしゅう |
self-study; teaching oneself |
11 | 実習 |
jisshuu じっしゅう |
practice; training; practical exercise; drill |
12 | 開会 |
kaikai かいかい |
opening of a meeting; starting (an event, etc) |
13 | 回転 |
kaiten かいてん |
rotation; revolution; turning |
14 | 加速 |
kasoku かぞく |
acceleration; speeding up |
15 | 見学 |
kengaku けんがく |
study by observation; field trip; tour; review; inspection |
16 | 転がる |
korogaru ころがる |
to roll; to fall over; to lie down |
17 | 転がす |
korogasu ころがす |
to roll; to turn over |
18 | 待ち合わせる |
machiawaseru まちあわせる |
to rendezvous; to meet at a prearranged place and time; to arrange to meet |
19 | 入社 |
nyuusha にゅうしゃ |
joining a company |
20 | 押さえる |
osaeru おさえる |
to pin down; to hold down; to press down |
21 | 領収 |
ryoushuu りょうしゅう |
receipt (of money); receiving |
22 | 刺さる |
sasaru ささる |
to stick into (with a sharp point); to prick; to get stuck (in); |
23 | 刺す |
sasu さす |
to pierce; to stab; to prick; to stick; to thrust; to sting |
24 | 司会 |
shikai しかい |
master of ceremonies; leading a meeting; presenter; host |
25 | 集合 |
shuugou しゅうごう |
gathering; assembly; meeting |
26 | 集会 |
shuukai しゅうかい |
meeting; assembly; gathering; convention; rally |
27 | 速達 |
sokutatsu そくたつ |
express; special delivery |
28 | 足る |
taru たる |
to be sufficient; to be enough; to be worth doing; to be worthy of; to deserve |
29 | 特売 |
tokubai とくばい |
special sale |
30 | 売り切れる |
urikireru うりきれる |
to be sold out |
31 | 輸血 |
yuketsu ゆけつ |
blood transfusion |
32 | 輸送 |
yusou ゆそう |
transport; transportation |
JLPT N2 vocab List total: (32)
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*NOTE* This is not yet a complete list of all JLPT vocabulary lessons, and new lessons are being added every week.