Aprende gramática del idioma Japonés: がる (garu) meaning: to show signs of; to appear; to feel, to think.
This grammar point basically turns adjectives into verbs, so the tense can change based on the verb conjugation. Let’s look at some examples:
がる – to show signs of; to feel
General Use
kare wa inu o kowa garu.
He is (appears to be/seems to be) generally afraid of dogs.
Current Tense
kare wa inu o kowa gatteiru.
He is currently showing signs of being afraid of dogs.
Current Tense
kare wa inu o kowa gatteita.
He was showing signs of being afraid of dogs.
ほしがる (hoshi garu) – to want
ほしい + がる combine to express a strong desire or want for something. Of course, any adjective can be converted to a verb, but this form is quite common.
Cruise sensei wa atarashii jitensha o hoshi garu.
Cruise-sensei wants a new bicycle (very badly).
Extra Study Notes
がる (garu) is generally used for speaking in the 3rd person, but it is also acceptable to use it for yourself in some situations.

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がる・がっている - Oraciones de ejemplos 例文
Cada oración de ejemplo incluye ayudas como la lectura (hiragana) en Japónes, la lectura en romaji, y la traducción en Español.
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Ejemplo #1
Ejemplo #2
Ejemplo #3
Ejemplo #4
Ejemplo #5
Ejemplo #6
Vocabulario 語彙
Kanji 漢字 |
Kana カナ |
English 英語 |
彼 | かれ | he |
犬 | いぬ | dog |
怖い | こわい | scary; frightening |
新しい | あたらしい | new |
自転車 | じてんしゃ | bicycle; bike |
欲しい | ほしい | to want |
恥ずかしい | はずかしい | Embarrassing |
試合 | しあい | match; game |
負ける | まける | to lose |
悔しい | くやしい | frustrating |
残念 | ざんねん | unfortunate; regrettable |
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