Learn Japanese vocabulary: (yappari). Significado: as I thought, absolutely even so; either way; after all; nonetheless; in any event; all the same

Learn Japanese vocabulary: (yappari). Significado: as I thought, absolutely even so; either way; after all; nonetheless; in any event; all the same
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 【つごう】(tsugou). Significado: circumstances; condition; convenience.
Learn Japanese vocabulary: (tamani). Significado: occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom.
Learn Japanese vocabulary: (sore hodo). Significado: to that degree; to that extent; that much.
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 【ぜんぜん】(zenzen). Significado: (not) at all; (not) in the slightest wholly; entirely; completely; totally
Learn Japanese vocabulary: (shikkari). Significado: tightly (holding on); firmly; securely strongly (built); solidly; sturdily; steadily properly; well; sufficiently; hard (working, etc.); fully; completely