This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 1,500 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N4.
- See all JLPT N4 nouns
- Sell all JLPT N4 verbs
- Sell all JLPT N4 adverbs
- See all JLPT N4 adjectives
- See all JLPT N4 pre-noun adjectivals
- See all JLPT N4 particles
- See all JLPT N4 katakana words

# | ごい | Vocabulario | Type | Significado |
401 | 再来週 |
saraishuu さらいしゅう |
Noun, Adverbial Noun | week after next |
402 | 差し上げる |
sashiageru さしあげる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to give |
403 | 騒ぐ |
sawagu さわぐ |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to make noise,to be excited |
404 | 触る |
sawaru さわる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to touch |
405 | 生物 |
seibutsu せいぶつ |
Noun | living thing |
406 | 政治 |
seiji せいじ |
Noun | politics |
407 | 生活 |
seikatsu せいかつ |
Noun, Suru verb | to live |
408 | 生命 |
seimei せいめい |
Noun | life |
409 | 生産 |
seisan せいさん |
Noun, Suru verb | production |
410 | 西洋 |
seiyou せいよう |
Noun | the west; Western countries |
411 | 世界 |
sekai せかい |
Noun | the world |
412 | 席 |
seki せき |
Noun | seat |
413 | 線 |
sen せん |
Noun | line |
414 | 背中 |
senaka せなか |
Noun | back (of body) |
415 | 先輩 |
senpai せんぱい |
Noun | senior |
416 | 戦争 |
sensou せんそう |
Noun, Suru verb | war |
417 | 説明 |
setsumei せつめい |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | explanation |
418 | 社長 |
shachou しゃちょう |
Noun | company president; manager; director |
419 | 社会 |
shakai しゃかい |
Noun | society; public; community; the world |
420 | 市 |
shi し |
Noun | city |
421 | 試合 |
shiai しあい |
Noun, Suru verb | match,game |
422 | 叱る |
shikaru しかる |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to scold |
423 | 仕方 |
shikata しかた |
Noun | way; method |
424 | 試験 |
shiken しけん |
Noun, Suru verb | examination |
425 | しっかり | shikkari | Adverb, Suru verb | firmly; steadily |
426 | 島 |
shima しま |
Noun | island |
427 | 市民 |
shimin 市民 |
Noun | citizen |
428 | 品物 |
shinamono しなもの |
Noun | goods; article; thing |
429 | 新聞社 |
shinbunsha しんぶんしゃ |
Noun | newspaper company |
430 | 親切 |
shinsetsu しんせつ |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | kindness |
431 | 失敗 |
shippai しっぱい |
Noun, Suru verb | failure |
432 | 調べる |
shiraberu しらべる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to investigate |
433 | 知らせる |
shiraseru しらせる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to notify |
434 | 下着 |
shitagi したぎ |
Noun | underwear |
435 | 食料品 |
shokuryouhin しょくりょうひん |
Noun | food; groceries |
436 | 小学校 |
shougakkou しょうがっこう |
Noun | elementary school |
437 | 生じる |
shoujiru しょうじる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to produce |
438 | 紹介 |
shoukai しょうかい |
Noun, Suru verb | introduction |
439 | 将来 |
shourai しょうらい |
Noun, Adverbial Noun | future |
440 | 小説 |
shousetsu しょうせつ |
Noun | novel |
441 | 趣味 |
shumi しゅみ |
Noun | hobby; pastime; preference |
442 | 習慣 |
shuukan しゅうかん |
Noun | habit; custom; cultural practice. |
443 | 祖母 |
sobo そぼ |
Noun | grandmother |
444 | 育てる |
sodateru そだてる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to rear,to bring up |
445 | 祖父 |
sofu そふ |
Noun | grandfather |
446 | ソフト | sofuto | Noun, Katakana | soft |
447 | そんな | sonna | Pre-noun adjectival | that sort of |
448 | それで | sore de | Conjunction | because of that |
449 | それほど | sore hodo | Adverb | to that extent |
450 | そろそろ | sorosoro | Adverb | gradually; soon |
451 | 卒業 |
sotsugyou そつぎょう |
Noun, Suru verb | graduation |
452 | 相談 |
soudan そうだん |
Noun, Suru verb | to discuss |
453 | 素晴らしい |
subarashii すばらしい |
Adjective, い-adjective | wonderful |
454 | 滑る |
suberu すべる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to slide; to slip |
455 | 凄い |
sugoi すごい |
Adjective, い-adjective | terrific |
456 | 水道 |
suidou すいどう |
Noun | water supply |
457 | 水泳 |
suiei すいえい |
Noun, Suru verb | swimming |
458 | すっかり | sukkari | Adverb | completely |
459 | 空く |
suku すく |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be hungry |
460 | スクリーン | sukuriin | Noun, Katakana | screen |
461 | 隅 |
sumi すみ |
Noun | corner; nook |
462 | 済む |
sumu すむ |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to finish |
463 | 砂 |
suna すな |
Noun | sand |
464 | すり | suri | Noun | pickpocket |
465 | スーツケース | sustsukeesu | Noun, Katakana | suitcase |
466 | 進む |
susumu すすむ |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to make progress |
467 | ステーキ | suteeki | Noun, Katakana | steak |
468 | ステレオ | sutereo | Noun, Katakana | stereo |
469 | 捨てる |
suteru すてる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to throw away |
470 | 数学 |
suugaku すうがく |
Noun | mathematics; arithmetic |
471 | スーツ | suutsu | Noun, Katakana | suit |
472 | 正しい |
tadashii ただしい |
Adjective, い-adjective | right; correct |
473 | 退院 |
tai'in たいいん |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | leaving hospital; discharge from hospital |
474 | 台風 |
taifuu たいふう |
Noun | typhoon |
475 | タイプ | taipu | Noun | type,style |
476 | たいてい | taitei | Noun, Adjective, な-adjective, Adverb | usually |
477 | たまに | tamani | Adverb | occasionally |
478 | 棚 |
tana たな |
Noun | shelves |
479 | 誕生 |
tanjou たんじょう |
Noun, Suru verb | birth |
480 | 楽しみ |
tanoshimi たのしみ |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | looking forward to |
481 | 倒れる |
taoreru たおれる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to fall (over, down) |
482 | 足りる |
tariru たりる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be sufficient; to be enough |
483 | 足す |
tasu たす |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to add (numbers / something) |
484 | 畳 |
tatami たたみ |
Noun | Japanese straw mat |
485 | 建てる |
tateru たてる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to build |
486 | 訪ねる |
tazuneru たずねる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to visit |
487 | 尋ねる |
tazuneru たずねる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to ask |
488 | 手袋 |
tebukuro てぶくろ |
Noun | glove |
489 | 丁寧 |
teinei ていねい |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | polite |
490 | テキスト | tekisuto | Noun, Katakana | text; textbook |
491 | 適当 |
tekitou てきとう |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | suitable |
492 | 点 |
ten てん |
Noun | point; dot |
493 | 店員 |
ten'in てんいん |
Noun | employee (of a store); shop assistant; clerk |
494 | テニス | tenisu | Noun, Katakana | tennis |
495 | 天気予報 |
tenkiyohou てんきよほう |
Noun | weather forecast |
496 | 展覧会 |
tenrankai てんらんかい |
Noun | exhibition |
497 | 寺 |
tera てら |
Noun | temple |
498 | 手伝う |
tetsudau てつだう |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to help; to assist; to aid |
499 | 途中 |
tochuu とちゅう |
Noun, Adverbial Noun | on the way |
500 | 届ける |
todokeru とどける |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to send |
Lista de vocabulario total del JLPT N4: (571)
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Kanzen Master Jlpt Grammar N4
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Jlpt N4 Japanese Lauguage Proficiency Test Official Practice Test
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*NOTE* This is not a complete list of every JLPT vocab yet.
I am working hard to add new lessons every day. If you have any requests, use the contact page to let me know.