This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 1,500 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N4.
- See all JLPT N4 nouns
- Sell all JLPT N4 verbs
- Sell all JLPT N4 adverbs
- See all JLPT N4 adjectives
- See all JLPT N4 pre-noun adjectivals
- See all JLPT N4 particles
- See all JLPT N4 katakana words

# | ごい | Vocabulario | Type | Significado |
201 | 経験 |
keiken けいけん |
Noun, Suru verb | to experience |
202 | 警察 |
keisatsu けいさつ |
Noun | police |
203 | 経済 |
keizai けいざい |
Noun, Suru verb | finance, economy |
204 | 見物 |
kenbutsu けんぶつ |
Noun, Suru verb | sightseeing; visit |
205 | 喧嘩 |
kenka けんか |
Noun, Suru verb | to quarrel |
206 | 研究 |
kenkyuu けんきゅう |
Noun, Suru verb | research |
207 | 研究室 |
kenkyuushitsu けんきゅうしつ |
Noun | laboratory |
208 | 消しゴム | keshigomu | Noun | eraser |
209 | 景色 |
keshiki けしき |
Noun | scenery |
210 | 気 |
ki き |
Noun | spirit |
211 | 厳しい |
kibishii きびしい |
Adjective, い-adjective | strict |
212 | 気分 |
kibun きぶん |
Noun | feeling; mood |
213 | 機会 |
kikai きかい |
Noun | chance; opportunity |
214 | 危険 |
kiken きけん |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | danger |
215 | 聞こえる |
kikoeru きこえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be heard; to be audible; to be said |
216 | 決まる |
kimaru きまる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be decided |
217 | 決める |
kimeru きめる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to decide |
218 | 君 |
kimi きみ |
Pronoun | You |
219 | 気持ち |
kimochi きもち |
Noun | feeling |
220 | 着物 |
kimono きもの |
Noun | kimono; Japanese traditional clothing |
221 | 近所 |
kinjo きんじょ |
Noun | neighbourhood |
222 | 絹 |
kinu きぬ |
Noun | silk |
223 | 季節 |
kisetsu きせつ |
Noun | season |
224 | 汽車 |
kisha きしゃ |
Noun | train |
225 | 規則 |
kisoku きそく |
Noun | rule |
226 | 子 |
ko こ |
Noun | child |
227 | 心 |
kokoro こころ |
Noun | heart |
228 | 国際 |
kokusai こくさい |
Noun | international |
229 | 細かい |
komakai こまかい |
Adjective, い-adjective | small, fine |
230 | 米 |
kome こめ |
Noun | (husked grains of) rice |
231 | 込む |
komu こむ |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be crowded |
232 | 今度 |
kondo こんど |
Noun | this time; next time |
233 | この間 |
kono aida このあいだ |
Adverbial Noun | the other day; recently |
234 | このごろ | kono goro | Adverbial Noun | these days; nowadays |
235 | コンピュータ | konpyuuta | Noun, Katakana | computer |
236 | コンサート | konsaato | Noun, Katakana | concert |
237 | 今夜 |
konya こんや |
Noun | this evening; tonigh |
238 | これから | korekara | Conjunction | after this |
239 | 故障 |
koshou こしょう |
Noun, Suru verb | to break-down |
240 | 答え |
kotae こたえ |
Noun | response |
241 | 小鳥 |
kotori ことり |
Noun | small bird |
242 | こう | kou | Adverb | this way |
243 | 校長 |
kouchou こうちょう |
Noun | principal; headmaster |
244 | 講堂 |
koudou こうどう |
Noun | auditorium |
245 | 郊外 |
kougai こうがい |
Noun | suburb; residential area on the outskirt of a city |
246 | 講義 |
kougi こうぎ |
Noun, Suru verb | lecture |
247 | 工業 |
kougyou こうぎょう |
Noun | industry |
248 | 工場 |
koujou こうじょう |
Noun | factory |
249 | 高校 |
koukou こうこう |
Noun | senior high school; high school |
250 | 高校生 |
koukousei こうこうせい |
Noun | high school student |
251 | 公務員 |
koumuin こうむいん |
Noun | government worker |
252 | 高等学校 |
koutougakkou こうとうがっこう |
Noun | high school |
253 | 交通 |
koutsuu こうつう |
Noun, Suru verb | traffic |
254 | 怖い |
kowai こわい |
Adjective, い-adjective | frightening |
255 | 壊れる |
kowareru こわれる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be broken |
256 | 壊す |
kowasu こわす |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to break |
257 | 首 |
kubi くび |
Noun | neck |
258 | 下さる |
kudasaru くださる |
Verb, Godan verb | (respectful) to give |
259 | 雲 |
kumo くも |
Noun | cloud |
260 | 君 |
kun くん |
Suffix | suffix for familiar young male |
261 | 比べる |
kuraberu くらべる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to compare |
262 | 暮れる |
kureru くれる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to get dark |
263 | 草 |
kusa くさ |
Noun | grass |
264 | 空気 |
kuuki くうき |
Noun | air |
265 | 空港 |
kuukou くうこう |
Noun | airport |
266 | 客 |
kyaku きゃく |
Noun | guest; customer |
267 | 教育 |
kyouiku きょういく |
Noun, Suru verb | education |
268 | 教会 |
kyoukai きょうかい |
Noun | church; congregation; Christian church |
269 | 興味 |
kyoumi きょうみ |
Noun | interest (in something); curiosity (about something); zest (for) |
270 | 競争 |
kyousou きょうそう |
Noun, Suru verb | competition |
271 | 急 |
kyuu きゅう |
Adjective, な-adjective | sudden; abrupt; unexpected |
272 | 急行 |
kyuukou きゅうこう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | hurrying (to somewhere); rushing; hastening |
273 | 間違える |
machigaeru まちがえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to make a mistake (in) |
274 | 参る |
mairu まいる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | (humble) to go; to come |
275 | 負ける |
makeru まける |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to lose |
276 | 漫画 |
manga まんが |
Noun | comic |
277 | 間に合う |
maniau まにあう |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be in time (for) |
278 | 真ん中 |
mannaka まんなか |
Noun | middle; centre; center |
279 | 周り |
mawari まわり |
Noun | around |
280 | 回る |
mawaru まわる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to go around |
281 | まず | mazu | Adverb | first of all |
282 | 召し上がる |
meshiagaru めしあがる |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to eat; to drink |
283 | 珍しい |
mezurashii めずらしい |
Adjective, い-adjective | unusual; rare |
284 | 見える |
mieru みえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem |
285 | 港 |
minato みなと |
Noun | harbour |
286 | 味噌 |
miso みそ |
Noun | fermented condiment made from soybeans |
287 | 見つかる |
mitsukaru みつかる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to be found; to be discovered |
288 | 見つける |
mitsukeru みつける |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to discover; to find; to come across; to detect; to spot |
289 | 都 |
miyako みやこ |
Noun | capital |
290 | 湖 |
mizuumi みずうみ |
Noun | lake |
291 | 戻る |
modoru もどる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to turn back |
292 | 木綿 |
momen もめん |
Noun | cotton (material) |
293 | 森 |
mori もり |
Noun | forest |
294 | もし | moshi | Adverb | if; in case; supposing |
295 | 申し上げる |
moushiageru もうしあげる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to say; to offer |
296 | 申す |
mousu もうす |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to be called; to say |
297 | もうすぐ | mousugu | Adverb, Expression | soon |
298 | 迎える |
mukaeru むかえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to go out to meet |
299 | 昔 |
mukashi むかし |
Noun, Adverbial noun | olden days, former |
300 | 向かう |
mukau むかう |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to head towards |
Lista de vocabulario total del JLPT N4: (571)
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Kanzen Master Jlpt Grammar N4
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Jlpt N4 Japanese Lauguage Proficiency Test Official Practice Test
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*NOTE* This is not a complete list of every JLPT vocab yet.
I am working hard to add new lessons every day. If you have any requests, use the contact page to let me know.