This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 1,500 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N4.
- See all JLPT N4 nouns
- Sell all JLPT N4 verbs
- Sell all JLPT N4 adverbs
- See all JLPT N4 adjectives
- See all JLPT N4 pre-noun adjectivals
- See all JLPT N4 particles
- See all JLPT N4 katakana words

# | ごい | Vocabulario | Type | Significado |
1 | あ | a | Expression | Ah; oh |
2 | ああ | aa | Adverb | ah; yes |
3 | アフリカ | afurika | Noun, Katakana | Africa |
4 | 上がる |
agaru あがる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to rise |
5 | 挨拶 |
aisatsu あいさつ |
Noun, Suru verb | to greet |
6 | 味 |
aji あじ |
Noun | flavor; taste; uniqueness; attractiveness; experience |
7 | アジア | ajia | Noun, Katakana | Asia |
8 | 赤ちゃん |
akachan あかちゃん |
Noun | baby; infant |
9 | 赤ん坊 |
akanbou あかんぼう |
Noun | baby; infant |
10 | アクセサリー | akusesarii | Noun, Katakana | accessory |
11 | アメリカ | amerika | Noun, Katakana | America |
12 | アナウンサー | anaunsaa | Noun, Katakana | announcer |
13 | あんな | anna | Pre-noun adjectival | such |
14 | 案内 |
annai あんない |
Noun, Suru verb | to guide |
15 | 安心 |
anshin あんしん |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective, Suru verb | peace of mind |
16 | 安全 |
anzen あんぜん |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | safety; security |
17 | アルバイト | arubaito | Noun, Suru verb, Katakana | part-time job |
18 | アルコール | arukooru | Noun, Katakana | alcohol |
19 | 浅い |
asai あさい |
Adjective, い-adjective | shallow |
20 | 遊び |
asobi あそび |
Noun | playing |
21 | 集まる |
atsumaru あつまる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to gather; to collect; to assemble |
22 | 集める |
atsumeru あつめる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to collect; to assemble; to gather |
23 | 謝る |
ayamaru あやまる |
Verb, Godan verb | to apologize |
24 | 倍 |
bai ばい |
Noun | double |
25 | 番組 |
bangumi ばんぐみ |
Noun | program (e.g. TV) |
26 | 場所 |
basho ばしょ |
Noun | place |
27 | ベル | beru | Noun, Katakana | bell |
28 | 美術館 |
bijutsukan びじゅつかん |
Noun | art gallery; art museum |
29 | びっくり | bikkuri | Adverb, Suru verb | to be surprised |
30 | ビル | biru | Noun, Katakana | building |
31 | 僕 |
boku ぼく |
Pronoun | I (used by males) |
32 | 貿易 |
boueki ぼうえき |
Noun, Suru verb | trade |
33 | 部長 |
buchou ぶちょう |
Noun | manager; head (chief, director) of a section or department |
34 | ぶどう | budou | Noun | grapes |
35 | 文学 |
bungaku ぶんがく |
Noun | literature |
36 | 文化 |
bunka ぶんか |
Noun | culture |
37 | 文法 |
bunpou ぶんぽう |
Noun | grammar |
38 | ちゃん | chan | Suffix | suffix for familiar female person |
39 | チェック | chekku | Noun, Suru verb, Katakana | to check |
40 | 血 |
chi ち |
Noun | blood |
41 | 力 |
chikara ちから |
Noun | energy; force; strength; might; power |
42 | 地理 |
chiri ちり |
Noun | geography |
43 | 中学校 |
chuugakkou ちゅうがっこう |
Noun | junior high school; middle school |
44 | 注意 |
chuui ちゅうい |
Noun, Suru verb | caution |
45 | 注射 |
chuusha ちゅうしゃ |
Noun, Suru verb | injection |
46 | 駐車場 |
chuushajou ちゅうしゃじょう |
Noun | parking lot |
47 | 大分 |
daibu だいぶ |
Adverb | considerably; greatly; a lot |
48 | 大学生 |
daigakusei だいがくせい |
Noun | university student; college student |
49 | 大事 |
daiji だいじ |
Adjective, な-adjective | important; serious; crucial |
50 | 大体 |
daitai だいたい |
Noun | roughly |
51 | 暖房 |
danbou だんぼう |
Noun, Suru verb | heating |
52 | 男性 |
dansei だんせい |
Noun | man; male |
53 | できるだけ | dekiru dake | Adverb, Expression | as much as possible |
54 | 電報 |
denpou でんぽう |
Noun | telegram |
55 | 電灯 |
dentou でんとう |
Noun | electric light |
56 | どんどん | dondon | Adverb | rapidly; more and more |
57 | 泥棒 |
dorobou どろぼう |
Noun | thief |
58 | 動物園 |
doubutsuen どうぶつえん |
Noun | zoo; zoological gardens |
59 | 道具 |
dougu どうぐ |
Noun | tool |
60 | 枝 |
eda えだ |
Noun | branch |
61 | 遠慮 |
enryo えんりょ |
Noun, Suru verb | reserve; refraining |
62 | 選ぶ |
erabu えらぶ |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to choose |
63 | エスカレーター | esukareetaa | Noun, Katakana | escalator |
64 | ファックス | fakkusu | Noun, Suru verb, Katakana | fax |
65 | 不便 |
fuben ふべん |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | inconvenience |
66 | 増える |
fueru ふえる |
Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to increase |
67 | 深い |
fukai ふかい |
Adjective, い-adjective | deep |
68 | 復習 |
fukushuu ふくしゅう |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | review (of learned material); revision |
69 | 複雑 |
fukuzatsu ふくざつ |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective | complexity; complication |
70 | 踏む |
fumu ふむ |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to step on |
71 | 舟 |
fune ふね |
Noun | ship |
72 | 降り出す |
furidasu ふりだす |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to start to rain |
73 | 布団 |
futon ふとん |
Noun | Japanese bedding, futon |
74 | 太る |
futoru ふとる |
Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to become fat |
75 | 普通 |
futsuu ふつう |
Noun, Adverb | usually |
76 | ガラス | garasu | Noun, Katakana | a glass |
77 | ガソリン | gasorin | Noun, Katakana | gasoline; petrol |
78 | ガソリンスタンド | gasorin sutando | Noun, Katakana | petrol station |
79 | ガス | gasu | Noun, Katakana | petrol |
80 | 原因 |
genin げんいん |
Noun, Suru verb | cause |
81 | 下宿 |
geshuku げしゅく |
Noun, Suru verb | lodging |
82 | 技術 |
gijutsu ぎじゅつ |
Noun | art,technology,skill |
83 | ごちそう | gochisou | Noun, Suru verb | a feast |
84 | ごみ | gomi | Noun | rubbish |
85 | ご覧になる |
goran ni naru ごらんになる |
Verb, Godan verb, Expression | (respectful) to see |
86 | ご主人 |
goshujin ごしゅじん |
Noun | your husband; her husband |
87 | ご存じ |
gozonji ごぞんじ |
Noun | knowing |
88 | 具合 |
guai ぐあい |
Noun | condition; health |
89 | 葉 |
ha は |
Noun | leaves; leaf |
90 | 拝見 |
haiken はいけん |
Noun, Suru verb | seeing; looking at |
91 | 歯医者 |
haisha はいしゃ |
Noun | dentist |
92 | はっきり | hakkiri | Adverb | clearly |
93 | 運ぶ |
hakobu はこぶ |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to carry |
94 | 花見 |
hanami はなみ |
Noun, Verb, Suru verb | cherry blossom viewing; flower viewing |
95 | ハンドバッグ | handobaggu | Noun, Katakana | handbag |
96 | 反対 |
hantai はんたい |
Noun, Adjective, な-adjective, Suru verb | opposition |
97 | 払う |
harau はらう |
Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to pay |
98 | 発音 |
hatsuon はつおん |
Noun, Suru verb | pronunciation |
99 | 林 |
hayashi はやし |
Noun | woods; forest |
100 | 恥ずかしい |
hazukashii はずかしい |
Adjective, い-adjective | embarrassed |
Lista de vocabulario total del JLPT N4: (571)
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*NOTE* This is not a complete list of every JLPT vocab yet.
I am working hard to add new lessons every day. If you have any requests, use the contact page to let me know.