This is a Japanese vocabulary list of な-adjective(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.

N5 な-adjectives PDF download here. (members only)
# | な形容詞 | な-adjective | Meaning |
1 | 便利 |
benri べんり |
convenient; handy; useful |
2 | 大丈夫 |
daijoubu だいじょうぶ |
OK; okay; alright; problem free |
3 | 大好き |
daisuki だいすき |
love; like; like very much |
4 | 元気 |
genki げんき |
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy |
5 | 下手 |
heta へた |
unskillful; poor; awkward |
6 | 暇 |
hima ひま |
free time |
7 | 本当 |
hontou ほんとう |
truth; reality; actuality; fact |
8 | 色々 |
iroiro いろいろ |
various |
9 | 嫌 |
iya いや |
unpleasant |
10 | 丈夫 |
joubu じょうぶ |
strong, durable |
11 | 上手 |
jouzu じょうず |
skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at) |
12 | 結構 |
kekkou けっこう |
splendid, enough |
13 | 嫌い |
kirai きらい |
hate |
14 | 綺麗 |
kirei きれい |
pretty; lovely; beautiful |
15 | 真っ直ぐ |
massugu まっすぐ |
straight ahead,direct |
16 | 賑やか |
nigiyaka にぎやか |
bustling,busy |
17 | 立派 |
rippa りっぱ |
splendid |
18 | 静か |
shizuka しずか |
quiet |
19 | 好き |
suki すき |
like |
20 | 多分 |
tabun たぶん |
perhaps; probably |
21 | 大変 |
taihen たいへん |
very; greatly; terribly; serious; difficult |
22 | 大切 |
taisetsu たいせつ |
important; necessary; indispensable; beloved |
23 | 沢山 |
takusan たくさん |
many |
24 | 有名 |
yuumei ゆうめい |
famous |
JLPT N5 vocab List total: (24)
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*NOTE* This is not yet a complete list of all JLPT vocabulary lessons, and new lessons are being added every week.