This is a Japanese vocabulary list of な-adjective(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.

N4 adjectives PDF download here. (members only)
# | な形容詞 | な-adjective | Meaning |
1 | 安心 |
anshin あんしん |
peace of mind |
2 | 安全 |
anzen あんぜん |
safety; security |
3 | 大事 |
daiji だいじ |
important; serious; crucial |
4 | 不便 |
fuben ふべん |
inconvenience |
5 | 複雑 |
fukuzatsu ふくざつ |
complexity; complication |
6 | 反対 |
hantai はんたい |
opposition |
7 | 変 |
hen へん |
strange; peculiar; weird |
8 | 久しぶり |
hisashiburi ひさしぶり |
after a long time |
9 | いっぱい | ippai | full |
10 | 一生懸命 |
isshoukenmei いっしょうけんめい |
very hard; with utmost effort |
11 | 自由 |
jiyuu じゆう |
freedom |
12 | 十分 |
juubun じゅうぶん |
enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory |
13 | 簡単 |
kantan かんたん |
simple; easy |
14 | 危険 |
kiken きけん |
danger |
15 | 急 |
kyuu きゅう |
sudden; abrupt; unexpected |
16 | 無理 |
muri むり |
impossible |
17 | 盛ん |
sakan さかん |
popularity; prosperous |
18 | 親切 |
shinsetsu しんせつ |
kindness |
19 | たいてい | taitei | usually |
20 | 楽しみ |
tanoshimi たのしみ |
looking forward to |
21 | 丁寧 |
teinei ていねい |
polite |
22 | 適当 |
tekitou てきとう |
suitable |
23 | 特別 |
tokubetsu とくべつ |
special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional |
24 | 残念 |
zannen ざんねん |
regrettable; unfortunate |
JLPT N4 vocab List total: (24)
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GENKI II: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese
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Kanzen Master Jlpt Grammar N4
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Jlpt N4 Japanese Lauguage Proficiency Test Official Practice Test
This is the official practice test of the JLPT N4. I highly recommend doing at least 1 practice test before taking the real test.
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*NOTE* This is not yet a complete list of all JLPT vocabulary lessons, and new lessons are being added every week.