This is a Japanese vocabulary list of い-adjective(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.

N4 adjectives PDF download here. (members only)
# | い形容詞 | い-adjective | Meaning |
1 | 浅い |
asai あさい |
shallow |
2 | 深い |
fukai ふかい |
deep |
3 | 恥ずかしい |
hazukashii はずかしい |
embarrassed |
4 | 酷い |
hidoi ひどい |
terrible; awful |
5 | 悲しい |
kanashii かなしい |
sad |
6 | 硬い |
katai かたい |
hard |
7 | 厳しい |
kibishii きびしい |
strict |
8 | 細かい |
komakai こまかい |
small, fine |
9 | 怖い |
kowai こわい |
frightening |
10 | 珍しい |
mezurashii めずらしい |
unusual; rare |
11 | 眠い |
nemui ねむい |
sleepy |
12 | 苦い |
nigai にがい |
bitter |
13 | 可笑しい |
okashii おかしい |
strange or funny |
14 | 寂しい |
sabishii さびしい |
lonely |
15 | 素晴らしい |
subarashii すばらしい |
wonderful |
16 | 凄い |
sugoi すごい |
terrific |
17 | 正しい |
tadashii ただしい |
right; correct |
18 | 嬉しい |
ureshii うれしい |
happy |
19 | 美しい |
utsukushii うつくしい |
beautiful |
20 | 優しい |
yasashii やさしい |
kind |
21 | 柔らかい |
yawarakai やわらかい |
soft |
JLPT N4 vocab List total: (21)
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*NOTE* This is not yet a complete list of all JLPT vocabulary lessons, and new lessons are being added every week.