Aprende gramática del idioma Japonés: られる (rareru). Significado: potential form; being able to do something.
This is used to describe the ability or inability to do something.
First, let’s look at the rules for how to create potential form, and then how we can use it in a sentence.
Rules for Creating Potential Form
Simply remove the final る (ru) and replace with られる (rareru).
食べる -> 食べられる (taberu -> taberareru)
To eat -> To be able to eat
Change the final «u» to be an «e» instead, and then add る (ru).
Ex) む (mu) becomes め (me).
飲む -> 飲める (nomu -> nomeru)
To drink -> To be able to drink
つ (tsu) becomes て (te)
立つ -> 立てる (tatsu -> tateru)
To stand -> To be able to stand
Irregular verbs
する -> できる (suru -> dekiru)
To do -> To be able to do
くる -> これる (kuru -> koreru)
To come -> To be able to come
How to Use Potential Form
When using potential form, the particle を (o/wo) is often changed to が (ga) instead.
sushi o taberu.
I eat sushi.
Will change to..
sushi ga taberareru
I can eat sushi.
Important Notes
You can use either を (o/wo) or が (ga) with most verbs, but when used with できる (dekiru), you must always use が (ga).
Be careful to not confuse this with 受身形 (ukemi) passive voice, where many conjugations may be similar.

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られる - Oraciones de ejemplos 例文
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