Gramática del JLPT N2 (toka (de))

Cómo se usa

Verb (casual form)とか(で)
Noun + だ
な-adjective + だ
toka de とかで jlpt n2 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Aprende gramática del idioma Japonés: (toka de). Significado: I heard that~.

This is used to express some information that you heard. It is not factual, but rumor based.

The で at the end is optional, and can be used with or without it.

Be careful to not confuse with , which is used to list items or give examples.

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- Oraciones de ejemplos

Cada oración de ejemplo incluye ayudas como la lectura (hiragana) en Japónes, la lectura en romaji, y la traducción en Español.

Da clic en el siguiente botón rojo para alternar todas las ayudas, o puedes dar clic en los botones individuales para mostrar únicamente las que desees ver.

Ejemplo #1

amerika de sodatta toka de.
I heard they were raised in America.
Ejemplo #2

kondo no shiken wa kanari muzukashii toka de.
I heard the next test is going to be really hard.
Ejemplo #3

jiko ga atta toka de, ima, densha ga tomatteimasu.
I heard there was an accident and so the train is stopped now.
Ejemplo #4

yasuda san wa isogashii toka de konya no nomikai ni korenai sou.
I heard Mr. Yasuda is quite busy and I don't think she'll be able to make it to drinks tonight.
Ejemplo #5

konya no hanabi taikai wa, ame de chuushi da toka.
I heard that tonight's fireworks were cancelled due to rain.
Ejemplo #6

sakki kiitandakedo, tanaka san wa rainen, kaisha o yameru toka. Hontouni yamerundarou.
I just heard that Mr. Tanaka will be quitting next year. I wonder if he really is quitting..
Ejemplo #7

yamada san wa netsu ga aru toka de, kyou wa yasumu sou desu.
I heard that Mr. Yamada has a fever, so it looks like he'll be taking off work today.


Kanji Kana English
育つ そだつ to raise; grow up
今度の こんどの next; this time's
試験 しけん exam; test
難しい むずかしい difficult
山田 やまだ Yamada (name)
ねつ fever
今日 きょう today
休む やすむ to take a break; take off work
今夜 こんや tonight
花火大会 はなびたいかい fireworks festival
あめ rain
中止 ちゅうし cancel
聞く きく to ask; hear
田中 たなか Tanaka (name)
来年 らいねん next year
会社を辞める かいしゃをやめる to quit work
本当に ほんとうに really?
安田 やすだ Yasuda (name)
忙しい いそがしい busy
今夜の こんやの tonight's
飲み会 のみかい drinking party (usually after work)
来る くる to come

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