Gramática del JLPT N4 (nikui)

Cómo se usa

Verb ます (stem form)にくい
nikui にくい にくい jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Aprende gramática del idioma Japonés: (nikui). Significado: difficult to do~.

Difficult To…

This is used to say that it is difficult to do something.

Add にくい to the verb’s forma raíz to say that action is difficult to do.

  • 見る (miru) to see
  • (mi nikui) = difficult to see

Easy To…

To say the opposite, that something is «easy to do», use instead.

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- Oraciones de ejemplos

Cada oración de ejemplo incluye ayudas como la lectura (hiragana) en Japónes, la lectura en romaji, y la traducción en Español.

Da clic en el siguiente botón rojo para alternar todas las ayudas, o puedes dar clic en los botones individuales para mostrar únicamente las que desees ver.

Ejemplo #1

kono shitsumon niwa kotaenikui desu.
This question is difficult to answer.
Ejemplo #2

kono hon wa ji ga chiisakute yomi nikui desu.
This books print is too small, it's difficult to read.
Ejemplo #3

kono kanji wa oboe nikui desu.
This kanji is difficult to remember.
Ejemplo #4

kono jitensha wa furukute norinikui desu.
This bicycle is old and difficult to ride.
Ejemplo #5

sakana wa hone ga ookute tabe nikui da.
Fish have a bunch of bones and are difficult to eat.
Ejemplo #6

kare no setsumei ga muzukashikute wakari nikui datta.
His explanation was complicated and difficult to understand.
Ejemplo #7

kono michi wa semakute, kuruma mo ooi no de, unten shi nikui desu.
This road is really narrow, and there's lots of cars, so it's difficult to drive on.
Ejemplo #8

kanojo wa tukiai nikui hito da.
She's a difficult person to get along with.


Kanji Kana English
質問 しつもん question
答えにくい こたえにくい difficult to answer
さかな fish
ほね bone; bones
多い おおい many; numerous
食べにくい たべにくい difficult to eat
ほん book
小さい ちいさい small
読みにくい よみにくい difficult to read
彼の かれの his
説明 せつめい explanation
難しい むずかしい difficult
分かりにくい わかりにくい hard to understand
漢字 かんじ kanji
覚えにくい おぼえにくい difficult to remember; memorize
みち road
狭い せまい narrow
運転 うんてん driving
しにくい hard to do
自転車 じてんしゃ bicycle
古い ふるい old
乗りにくい のりにくい hard to ride
彼女 かのじょ she
付き合う つきあう to date; hang out; get along

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